Gross Regional Domestic Product Of Buton Regency By Industry 2017-2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Buton Regency

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Gross Regional Domestic Product Of Buton Regency By Industry 2017-2021

Catalog Number : 9302008.7401
Publication Number : 74010.2208
ISSN/ISBN : 2622-4488
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : April 5, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 26.53 MB


Publication of Gross Regional Domestic Product of Buton Regency by industrial 2017 2021 is a regular publication , published by BPS - Statistics of Buton Regency . This publication provides an overview of the development of the economy of Buton Regency descriptively . This publication was prepared by tables of GRDP in 2017-2021 at current market prices and constant market prices in 2010 in the form of nominal value and percentage . Some of the data presented are still preliminary , due to the absence of complete final data and will be revised in the next publication . Data users are reminded to pay attention to the status of the data , and it is recommended to use the latest published data . Besides presenting GRDP data , this publication also presents the concept definition , methodology and scope of the GRDP preparation . Thus , data users can understand well about GRDP . Presentation of the publication of GRDP of Buton Regency by Industrial 2017-2021 , using the 2010 base year in its calculations and apply simultaneously throughout Indonesia . The GRDP has implemented the international standard manual of System of National Account (SNA) 2008 in order to maintain its comparability with similar indicators from other countries. To all parties who have contributed in the completion of this publication, we would like to express our high appreciation and gratitude. Hopefully this publication will be a useful resource for variety of purposes.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Buton (Statistics of Buton Regency)

Jl. Protokol Kel. Saragi Kec. Pasarwajo Kab. Buton






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