Baubau City Inflation December 2018 was 1.61 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Buton Regency

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Baubau City Inflation December 2018 was 1.61 percent

Release Date : January 2, 2019
File Size : 0.64 MB


In December 2018 the city of Baubau experienced inflation of 1.61 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 136.61. Of the 82 cities in the CPI, 80 cities experienced inflation with the largest inflation rate occurring in the city of Kupang with a value of 2.09 percent and the smallest inflation occurred in the city of Banda Aceh, which amounted to 0.02 percent. While the other 2 CPI cities experienced deflation, namely Sorong city with a deflation value of 0.15 percent and Kendari city with a deflation value of 0.09 percent.
  • Inflation in Baubau was recorded due to an increase in the consumer price index (CPI) in the 6 expenditure groups, namely the Food expenditure group which experienced inflation of 0.61 percent; the group for expenditure on processed foods, beverages, cigarettes & tobacco which experienced inflation of 0.04 percent; Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Fuel expenditure groups experienced inflation of 0.07 percent; the clothing expenditure group experienced inflation of 0.14 percent; Education, Recreation and Sports expenditure groups experienced inflation of 0.06 percent and the Transport, Communication and Financial Services expenditure group with a value of 9.73 percent. While the only expenditure group that experienced deflation was the Health expenditure group, which was 0.44 percent.

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    BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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