The development TPK Hotel Sulawesi Tenggara September 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Buton Regency

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The development TPK Hotel Sulawesi Tenggara September 2015

Release Date : November 3, 2015
File Size : 0.15 MB


  • Room occupancy rate ( TPK ) Hotel in Southeast Sulawesi province in September 2015 recorded 38.38 percent or an increase of 0.22 points over August 2015 TPK state recorded 38.16 percent .
  • Usage levels Beds Hotel in September 2015 recorded 39.98 percent , up 2.36 points compared to August 2015 recorded 37.62 percent .
  • The average length of stay of foreign and domestic (domestic ) Hotel in Southeast Sulawesi province in September 2015 was 1.58 days , and an increase of 0.03 days compared to the month of August 2015 recorded 1.55 days.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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